Percina caprodes
Type Locality
Ohio River (Rafinesque 1818);
presumably in vicinity of Louisville, KY (Thompson 1980).
Etymology/Derivation of Scientific Name
Percina, “a small
perch;” caprodes, Greek for “resembling a pig,” in reference to the
snout (Pflieger 1997).
Sciaena caprodes
Rafinesque 1818:354
caprodes carbonaria Cook 1959:195
caprodes caprodes Cook 1959:195
Maximum size: 150 mm
SL (Page 1983).
Coloration: Lateral
bars wide, 9-10 whole bars; midbars between whole bars short, about half the
length of whole bars (Hubbs et al 1991); yellow-brown to yellow-green
dorsally; light green to white ventrally; side having numerous long dark
vertical bars, continuing over the dorsum and alternating with shorter,
thinner dark bars which also continue over dorsum; conspicuous black
basicaudal spot and usually a weak suborbital bar. 1st and 2nd
dorsal, and caudal fins banded with light brown. 1st dorsal fin
black basally and distally. In P. caprodes inhabiting certain coastal
drainages, bright orange or yellow marginal band present on 1st
dorsal fin. Other fins mostly clear. Breeding males somewhat darker than
other individuals, but sexual dimorphism in color less pronounced than in
most darters (Page 1983). Hubbs et al. (1991) note breeding males in Texas
populations without black on breast or pelvic or anal fins.
Counts: Lateral scales
67-100 (75-90; Page 1983), individuals in Texas populations with more than
77 scales in lateral line (Hubbs et al. 1991); pored scales on caudal fin
1-3; scales above lateral line 6-13 (7-10); scales below lateral line 11-18
(12-17); transverse scales 20-35; scales around caudal peduncle 24-37
(27-33); dorsal spines 12-17 (14-16); dorsal rays 14-18 (15-16); pectoral
rays 12-16 (14-15); anal spines 2 (rarely 1); anal rays 8-13 (10-11);
brachiostegal rays 6. Male having a complete row of 20-37 modified scales
along the belly midline (Page 1983).
Body shape: Body
depth contained in standard length less than 7 times; snout conical
extending beyond upper lip; upper jaw not extending as far as to below
middle of eye (Hubbs et al. 1991).
Mouth position:
Subterminal (Goldstein and Simon 1999).
External morphology:
Vertical bars on sides of body equal thickness throughout length, without
obvious constrictions medially; belly scaled (a narrow naked band may be
present on midline); preopercle smooth or weakly serrate (Hubbs et al 1991);
Breast unscaled; cheek and opercle scaled; belly midline of female unscaled;
belly midline of male unscaled anteriorly (except for modified scales) and
scaled posteriorly. Breeding male develops tubercles on ventral scales;
breeding female develops elongated and broadened genital papilla (Page
Distribution (Native and Introduced)
U.S. distribution:
Wide-ranging species found throughout much of the central U.S. (Hubbs et al.
1991); probably most widespread of all darters (Thompson 1980).
Texas distribution:
Occurs only in a limited section of the middle Red River (Hubbs et al. 1991;
Warren et al. 2000).
Abundance/Conservation status (Federal, State, NGO)
Hubbs et al. (1991) listed
this species as one of Special Concern within the state of Texas, specifying
Peripheral status (a wider ranging species that has a limited number of
populations within the boundaries of Texas). Populations in southern
drainages are currently stable (Warren et al. 2000).
Habitat Associations
Macrohabitat: Ranges
from small creeks to rivers, lakes, and reservoirs (Thompson 1980).
Mesohabitat: Prefers
clean riffles and runs over mixed sand and gravel, avoiding silted areas
(Thompson 1980). In a study of behavioral response to low concentrations of
dissolved oxygen, Percina caprodes, an obligate water breather,
consistently avoided dissolved oxygen concentrations of about 2.0 mg 1ˉ¹
(Beitenger and Pettit 1984).
Spawning season: In
Central Texas, mid-December or early January to mid-May (Hubbs 1985);
average seasonal temperature in Central Texas at the time females are known
to be ripe varies from 9-23 degrees C (Hubbs and Strawn 1963).
Spawning habitat: Over
sand or gravel-bottomed areas of streams or in sand shoal areas of lakes
(Winn 1985a); brood hiders that release eggs
just below the surface of the substrate; lithophils, rock and gravel
spawners that do not guard their eggs (Simon 1999).
Spawning behavior: In
lakes, breeding males are non-territorial and weakly so in streams,
defending only the immediate area around a female (referred to as moving
territory; Ross 2001). Male mounts female just prior to spawning, placing
his pelvic fins in ahead of hers, bending his tail down alongside her tail.
Both fish quiver, raising a cloud of sand as they partially bury themselves.
During this time, eggs laid and fertilized. Exposed eggs are usually eaten
by other males. On occasion, female may vibrate and partially bury herself
before being mounted by male (Winn 1958a).
Fecundity: Egg counts
varies from 1,060-3,085 for mature females of sizes ranging 55-84 mm SL (ova
count averaged about 2,000 in two-year-olds); however only 10-20 eggs are
laid at each spawning. Larger females produce more eggs than do smaller
females (Winn 1958a). Average diameter of mature, ovarian eggs is 1.31 mm;
eggs colorless and transparent (Winn 1958b). Cooper (1978) recorded eggs,
each with granular yolk, numerous small oil droplets, and one large oil
droplet, that averaged 1.1-1.3 mm in diameter, and hatched in about 200
hours after fertilization at an average water temperature of 16.5 degrees C.
Grizzle and Curd (1978) reported egg hatching occurring in 5-7 days at water
temperatures of 21-23 degrees C.
Age at maturation: In
two populations sampled by Winn (1958b) only rarely was a yearling fish
found to be mature.
Migration: May move
from shallow areas into deeper water during the winter, migrating back into
the shallow areas in the next reproductive season (Winn 1958b; Henderson
Growth and Population
structure: An average hatching length of 4.47 mm TL reported by Cooper
(1978). In Wisconsin, P. caprodes reached 56-69 mm SL at the end of
first year, 85-98mm SL after two years, 100-108 mm SL after three years, and
111-117 mm SL after four years (Lutterbie 1979). In Illinois, Thomas (1970)
reported growth during the first year to about 70 mm, two-year-olds averaged
about 100 mm, and length was about 120 mm at the end of 3 years. In central
Texas, Henderson (1960) reported the male of the species averaging larger
size than the female.
Longevity: No longer
than four years (Lutterbie 1979).
Food habits: Invertivore;
benthic; digger (Goldstein and Simon 1999); Juveniles and adults use long,
bulbous snout to flip over stones and root in gravel to expose food
organisms (Keast and Webb 1966); feeding throughout the daylight hours
(Thomas 1970). Main food item is aquatic
insect larvae, particularly mayfly and midge (Dipteran) larvae and small
crustaceans (principally cladocerans; Turner 1921; Keast and Webb 1966;
Mullan et al. 1968). Species has been known to feed on the eggs of other
fishes, namely largemouth bass eggs in Arkansas (Mullan et al. 1968) and sea
lamprey eggs in Michigan (Manion 1968).
Early larvae feed on small planktonic organisms (Grizzle and Curd
1978; Paine 1984). In a central Texas study, the first and second major food
items during the summer were Chironomidae and Ephemeroptera, respectively;
during the winter, the major food item was Simuliidae, the second most
important was Chironomidae larvae; diet also includes the following items:
Cladocera, eggs, Copepoda, Trichoptera, and Gastropoda; the bulk of
nourishment from the 70 fish investigated consisted of Diptera,
Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera larvae; same type food items taken by all fish
studies, regardless of age or sex; species primarily insectivorous in this
study area (Henderson 1960).
Phylogeny and morphologically similar fishes
Percina carbonaria,
the Texas logperch, is similar to Percina caprodes, the logperch, but
has black breast, gill membranes, and anal and pelvic fins on large male;
other differences include orange band on 1st dorsal fin (unlike
Logperch, except Ozark species and Gulf Slope forms), and olive-brown
coloration above (Page and Burr 1991). P. phoxocephala resembles
P. caprodes in snout shape, body form and coloration, but have
dorsal vermiculations rather than saddles, an orange dorsal fin band, and
lower scales and fin ray counts (Etnier and Starnes 1993). Hybridization
with P. maculata has been documented (Page 1976), and Winn (1958a)
observed several male logperch actively pursuing a female P. maculata;
P. caprodes also hybridizes with other darters including P.
phoxocephala and P. shumardi (Page 1976; Etnier and Starnes
1993). Hubbs and Strawn (1957) studied artificially produced hybrids between
P. caprodes and Etheostoma spectabile and stated that no
fertility is known in this hybrid and it is not expected; natural hybrid
between these two species has been collected (Hubbs et al.1988). Hybrids
between P. caprodes and P. sciera collected from the San
Gabriel River, Georgetown, Texas (Hubbs and Laritz 1961).
Host Records
Commercial or Environmental Importance
Henderson (1960) suggested
the food intake of Percina caprodes could be of commercial value
concerning control of Simuliidae and Chiromidae larvae, which constitute
over 60% of the volume of its food.
[Additional literature
noting collection of this species from Texas locations includes, but is not
limited to the following: Hubbs (1958); Hubbs (1957); Matthews et al.
Beitenger, T.L., and M.J. Pettit. 1984. Comparison of low oxygen avoidance
in a bimodal brether, Erpetoichthys calabaricus and an obligate water
breather, Percina caprodes. Environmental Biology of Fishes
Cook. F. A. 1959. Freshwater fishes in Mississippi. Mississippi Fame and
Fish Commission, Jackson.
Cooper, J.E. 1978. Eggs and larvae of the logperch, Percina caprodes
(Rafinesque). American Midland Naturalist 99:257-269.
Etnier, D.A., and W.C. Starnes. 1993. The Fishes of Tennessee. The
University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville. 681 pp.
Goldstein, R.M., and T.P. Simon. 1999. Toward a united definition of guild
structure for feeding ecology of North American freshwater fishes. pp.
123-202 in T.P. Simon, editor. Assessing the sustainability and
biological integrity of water resources using fish communities. CRC Press,
Boca Raton, Florida.
Grizzle, J.M., and M.R. Curd. 1978. Posthatching histological development of
the digestive system and swim bladder of logperch, Percina caprodes.
Copeia 1978(3):448-455.
Henderson, G.G., Jr. 1960. Stomach contents of central Texas specimens of
Percina caprodes. M.A. Thesis, The University of Texas. 44 pp.
Hubbs, C. 1957. Distributional patterns of Texas fresh-water fishes. The
Southwestern Naturalist 2(2/3):89-104.
Hubbs, C. 1958. Geographic variations in egg complements of Percina
caprodes and Etheostoma spectabile. Copeia 1958(2):102-105.
Hubbs, C., and C.M. Laritz. 1961. Natural hybridization between
Hadropterus scierus and Percina caprodes. The Southwestern
Naturalist 6(3/4):188-192.
Hubbs, C., F.B. Cross, F. Stevens. 1988. Occurrence of natural hybrids
between Etheostoma and Percina. The Southwestern Naturalist
Hubbs, C., and K. Strawn. 1957. Relative variability of hybrids between the
darters, Etheostoma spectabile and Percina caprodes. Evolution
Hubbs, C., and K. Strawn. 1963. Differences in the developmental temperature
tolerance of Central Texas and more northern stocks of Percina caprodes
(Percidae: Osteichthyes). The Southwestern Naturalist 8(1):43-56.
Hubbs, C., R. J. Edwards, G. P. Garrett. 1991. An annotated checklist of
the freshwater fishes of Texas, with keys to identification of species. The
Texas Journal of Science, Supplement, 43(4):1-56
Hubbs, C. L. 1985. Darter reproductive seasons. Copeia 1985(1):56-68.
Keast, A., and D. Webb. 1966. Mouth and body form relative to feeding
ecology in the fish fauna of a small lake, Lake Opinicon, Ontario. J. Fish.
Red. Bd. Can. 23(12):1845-1874.
Lutterbie, G. W. 1979. Reproduction and age and growth in Wisconsin darters
(Ostiechthyes: Percidae). Rept. Fauna and Flora Wisc. 15:1-44.
Manion, P.J. 1968. Production of sea lamprey larvae from nests in two Lake
Superior streams. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 97(4):484-486.
Matthews, W.J., M.S. Schorrs, and M.R. Measdor. 1996. Effects of
experimentally enhanced flows on fishes of a small Texas (U.S.A.) stream:
assessing the impact of interbasin transfer. Freshwater Biology 35:349-362.
Mullan, J.W., R.L. Applegate, and W.C. Rainwater. 1968. Food of logperch (Percina
caprodes), and brook silverside (Labidesthes sicculus), in a new
and old Ozark reservoir. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 97(3):300-305.
Page, L.M. 1976. Natural darter hybrids: Etheostoma gracile X
Percina maculata, Percina caprodes X Percina maculata, and
Percina phoxocephala X Percina maculata. Southwestern
Naturalist 21(2):145-149.
Page, L.M. 1983. Handbook of Darters. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, NJ.
271 pp.
Page, L. M., and B. M. Burr. 1991. A Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes of
North America, north of Mexico. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 432 pp.
Paine, M.D. 1984. Ecological and evolutionary consequences of early
ontogenies of darters (Etheostomatini), pp. 21-30. In: Environmental
Biology of Darters. D.G. Lindquist and L.M. Page, eds. Dr. D.W. Junk
Publishers, The Hauge, Netherlands.
Pflieger, W. L. 1997. The Fishes of Missouri. Missouri Department of
Conservation, Jefferson City, 372 pp.
Rafinesque, C. S. 1818. Discoveries in natural history, made during a
journey through the western region of the United States. Amer. Monthly Mag.
Crit. Rev. 3(5):354-356.
Ross, S. T. 2001. The Inland Fishes of
Mississippi. University Press of Mississippi. 624 pp.
Simon, T. P. 1999. Assessment of Balon’s reproductive guilds with
application to Midwestern North American Freshwater Fishes, pp. 97-121.
In: Simon, T.L. (ed.). Assessing the sustainability and biological
integrity of water resources using fish communities. CRC Press. Boca Raton,
Florida. 671 pp.
Thomas, D. L. 1970. An ecological study of four darters of the genus
Percina (Percidae) in the Kaskaskia River, Illinois. Ill. Nat. Hist.
Surv., Biol. Notes 10:1-18.
Thompson, B.A. 1980. Percina caprodes (Rafinesque), Logperch. pp. 719
in D.S. Lee et al. Atlas of North American Freshwater Fishes. N.C.
State Mus. Nat. Hist., Raleigh, i-r+854 pp
Turner, C.L. 1921. Food of the common Ohio darters. Ohio Journal of Science
Winn, H. E. 1958a. Observations of the reproductive traits of darters
(Pisces: Percidae). American Midland Naturalist. 59(1):190-212.
Winn, H.E. 1958b. Comparative reproductive behavior and ecology of fourteen
species of darters (Pisces: Percidae). Ecol. Monogr. 28(2):155-191.
Warren, M. L. Jr., B. M. Burr, S. J. Walsh, H.L. Bart Jr., R. C. Cashner, D.
A. Etnier, B. J. Freeman, B. R. Kuhajda, R. L. Mayden, H. W. Robison, S.T.
Ross, and W. C. Starnes. 2000. Diversity, distribution and conservation
status of the native freshwater fishes of the southern United States.
Fisheries 25(10):7-29.