Mugil cephalus
striped mullet
Type Locality
Europe (Linnaeus 1758).
Etymology/Derivation of Scientific Name
Mugil, Latin for
mullet, from mulgeo, “to suck;” cephalus, Greek for “head” (Pflieger
Mugil cephalus
Linnaeus 1758:316 in Eschmeyer 1990.
Mugil plumeri Wailes
Maximum size: Slightly
over 900 mm TL (from India; Etnier and Starnes 1993).
Life colors: Sides
with longitudinal dark stripes along the scale rows (Hubbs et al. 1991).
Blue-gray along the back and upper sides, fading to white on the underside
(Ross 2001). Juvenile fish, up to 30-35 mm SL, are bright iridescent silver
on sides and underbody; back and top of head are duller (Anderson 1958).
Counts: Usually 41
lateral line scales; soft dorsal and anal fins with few scales; usually 8
(rarely 7 or 9) anal fin soft rays; lower limb of first gill arch with 25-60
gill rakers (Hubbs et al. 1991); 5 dorsal spines; 3 anal spines; 16 (15-17)
pectoral rays; 18-20 caudal fin rays (Ross 2001).
Body shape:
Cylindrical (Ross 2001).
Mouth position:
Terminal (Goldstein and Simon 1999); lower jaw angular, with a prominent
symphyseal knob (Hubbs et al. 1991).
External morphology:
Adipose eyelid well developed in adults (fish greater than 30-40 mm SL);
scales cycloid in young fish, adults developing weakly ctenoid scales (Hubbs
et al. 1991; Ross 2001).
Internal morphology:
Gut long (Goldstein and Simon 1999).
Distribution (Native and Introduced)
U.S. distribution:
Worldwide circumtropical distribution (Hubbs et al 1991). Species has been
recorded on several occasions from the Denison Dam on the Red River, which
is 281 km upstream from the confluence with the Mississippi River, near
Shreveport, Louisiana (Riggs 1957).
Texas distribution:
Occurs in all of the major bays and estuaries of the state (Hubbs et al
1991); occupying the Texan, Austroriparian, and Tamaulipan biotic provinces
in Texas (Hubbs 1957). Warren et al. (2000) listed the following drainage
units for distribution of Mugil cephalus in the state: Red River
(from the mouth upstream to and including the Kiamichi River), Sabine Lake
(including minor coastal drainages west to Galveston Bay), Galveston Bay
(including minor coastal drainages west to mouth of Brazos River), Brazos
River, Colorado River, San Antonio Bay (including minor coastal drainages
west of mouth of Colorado River to mouth of Nueces River), Nueces River.
Abundance/Conservation status (Federal, State, NGO)
Populations in the southern
United States are currently secure (Warren et al. 2000).
Habitat Associations
Macrohabitat: A
marine-estuarine species, common in warm, coastal water (Rivas 1980); often
ascending coastal rivers for considerable distances, stopping at Fall Line
(Burgess 1980).
Mesohabitat: Mugil
cephalus make regular off-shore-inshore movements, but tend to remain in
the same general region of the coast (Rivas 1980). Developing larvae move
inshore, reaching estuarine areas when 16-28 mm in size (Anderson 1958; De
Silva 1980; Nordlie et al. 1982). As small fish are unable to effectively
regulate internal salt content, entrance into lower salinity water of
estuaries, then into fresh water is delayed until they develop regulatory
abilities; at 16-20 mm SL, fish can survive in brackish water, and are fully
tolerant of fresh water at about 7-9 months old, at a length of 40-69 mm SL
(Nordlie et al. 1982).
Spawning season:
October - early February, peaking in November and December (Rivas 1980).
Early winter, in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico (Finucane et al. 1978).
Spawning location: In
salt water; in the northern Gulf of Mexico, varying distances from shore,
all the way out to the edge of the continental shelf. Pelagic eggs of
Mugil cephalus were identified from samples taken in early December from
89-98 km off the Texas coast in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, this being
the first reported spawning of the species in this area (Finucane et al.
Reproductive strategy:
Fertilization is external (Ross 2001). Direct observations of nocturnal
spawning; spawning at night and very rapid egg development listed as
possible adaptations minimizing probability of eggs being exposed to heavy
waves (Martin and Drewry 1978).
Fecundity: A single
female can produce from 250,000 to 2.20 million eggs, egg number being
directly related to body weight; eggs small (mean + 0.72 mm diameter),
non-adhesive and pelagic, hatching in about 48 hours; Mugil cephalus
apparently spawn only once each year (Collins 1985; Greeley et al., 1987).
Eggs collected offshore from Port Aransas, Texas in the northwestern Gulf of
Mexico ranged from 0.91-0.99 mm diameter and averaged 0.95 mm diameter;
diameters of oil globules ranged from 0.30-0.36 mm and averaged 0.33 mm
diameter; newly hatched yolk sac larvae were 2.1 mm long (Finucane et al.
Age/Size at maturation:
In the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, females reach mature sexually by 230-270
mm SL, at 2-3 years of age (Collins 1985; Greeley et al., 1987). Both sexes
attain sexual maturation in fresh water (Ross 2001).
Migration: Migrates to
offshore marine waters to spawn (Burgess 1980); because of movement into
fresh water, species sometimes referred to as catadromous: spawning in salt
water, but returning to freshwater to feed (De Silva 1980). Movement by
adults to offshore spawning areas may be linked to lunar or tidal cycles
(Rivas 1980). Record of Mugil cephalus entering Lake Texoma
(Oklahoma-Texas), 1600 km from Gulf of Mexico (Rivas 1980).
Longevity: 5 or 6
years, although in many areas few live past 4 years (Rivas 1980).
Food habits: Goldstein
and Simon (1999) list first and second level trophic classifications for
this species as detritivore/invertivore, and filter feeder, respectively;
trophic mode: filterer; adults and subadults almost exclusively
detritivores, but young feed on small invertebrates such as copepods and
insect larvae (Etnier and Starnes 1993). Termed "interface feeders,” feeding
at surface boundaries such as air-water, plant-water, or mud-water
interfaces (Odum 1970) by sucking up the surface layer of mud or grazing on
diatoms or algae attached to rock or plant surfaces (Ross 2001). Larvae,
especially those of 5-15 mm SL, feed mainly on animal matter including
microcrustaceans such as copepods, and small aquatic insects such as
mosquito larvae (Harrington and Harrington 1961; De Silva 1980); young fish,
20-30 mm SL, ingest large amounts of organic matter, bacteria, algae and
diatoms; as growth continues diet shifts from browsing on exposed organisms
to grazing on surface/subsurface materials; fish above 40 mm SL begin to dig
into bottom, with fish reaching 110 mm SL scraping 5-7 mm into sediment; an
individual of about 200 mm SL may filter over 450 kg of bottom sediment in a
year; sand grains compromise 50-60% of the bulk of diet for fish larger than
40 mm SL (Odum 1970; Eggold and Motta 1992).
At times, adults may feed opportunistically on animal prey when highly
abundant, such as spawning aggregations of marine bristleworms (Bishop and
Miglarese 1978). Moriarity (1976) notes that bacteria is likely far more
important in the diet in muddier areas. After dawn, there is an increase in
feeding activity, peaking near midday, declining in the afternoon;
individuals may rest on the bottom without moving, during the night. Feeding
rates of this species unrelated to salinity (Collins 1981). Digestion rates
lower for fish in fresh water compared to those inhabiting salt water
(Perera and De Silva 1978). Gerking (1994) uses Mugil cephalus as a
representative of the “filterer” feeding mode: Detritus obtained by
filtering organic particles from water. Protraction of premaxillaries and
movement of head rapidly from side while sucking the substrate produces
conical depressions in the substrate. When mouth is opened, the palantine,
stenohyoid, and opercular muscles, combined with the muscles of the
branchial arches, create a suction action by enlarging the buccal cavity.
Solid particles pass through the convex pharyngeal pads projecting from the
roof of the mouth and the concave depression of the floor of the mouth.
Dorsal pad is coated with thick, soft membrane studded by minute teeth
(Goldstein and Simon 1999).
Growth and Population
structure: Newly hatched fish average 2.65 mm TL (Kuo et al. 1973).
Growth of juveniles rapid, on average 0.2-0.6 mm/day (Anderson 1958; De
Silva and Silva 1979). Individuals reach 160 mm SL by end of 1st
year, and 200-235 mm SL by year 2 (Anderson 1958).
Phylogeny and morphologically similar fishes
Mugil cephalus most
similar to the white mullet (M. curema), from which it differs in
having 8 (vs. 9) anal rays (Ross 2001). M. cephalus is similar in
general appearance to Agonostomus monticola, but Agonostomus
lacks an adipose eyelid, has a relatively thick lower lip, fewer gill rakers
(17-20 on the lower limb of the first arch vs. 25 or more in Mugil),
and considerable brown pigmentation on the body (Boschung and Mayden 2004).
Host Records
Protozoa: Myxosporidia host (Mayberry et al. 2000).
Commercial or Environmental Importance
One of the most important
food fishes in the Gulf of Mexico (Ross 2001).
Anderson, W.W. 1958. Larval development, growth, and spawning of striped
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States. Fish. Bull. (U.S.). 59(144):501-519.
Bishop, J.M., and J.V. Miglarese. 1978. Carnivorous feeding in adult striped
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Boschung, H.T., Jr., and R.L. Mayden. 2004. Fishes of Alabama. Smithsonian
Books, Washington, D.C. 736 pp.
Burgess, G.H. 1980. Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus), Striped mullet. pp.
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Collins, M.R. 1981. The feeding periodicity of striped mullet, Mugil
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Collins, M.R. 1985. Species profiles: life histories and environmental
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